Harris Tweed - Hand Woven Fabrics from the Outer Hebrides

Harris Tweed is a beautiful fabric made by hand in Scotland. It is the only fabric in the world governed by an act of parliament and the name Harris Tweed stands for rare character and beauty.
One aspect of the production of Harris Tweed that is unique is the way the wool is dyed before it is spun. This allows more colours to be blended into the yarn creating a complex finish.
We choose to work with Harris Tweed mainly because it’s beautiful, but also because of its heritage. The tweed is a sustainable fabric woven by hand in the islands of the Outer Hebrides, using traditional skills honed over generations. It is 100% natural, using only British wool.

We have made a number of bespoke Harris Tweed garments including waistcoats and jackets and we can offer to make you a custom Harris Tweed garment from our range of Tweeds at the barn.
Kat has twice visited the islands of Harris and Lewis and watched crofters weaving tweed on their old Hattersley looms. The fabric is hardwearing so your BlueBarn.Life garment crafted from Harris Tweed will last you a lifetime.
Although Harris Tweed is available in all sorts of colours, here at BlueBarn.Life we prefer the tweeds that echo the landscapes of the islands: moorland, rock, sea and sky, as captured by photographer Ian Lawson in his book Saorsa.
Please visit the Harris Tweed website to find out more.
Tweed overcoats, jackets and waistcoats
We have made overcoats in Harris Tweed, mostly in our Hornbeam design which was inspired by the Humphry Bogart styles of the 1940s: loose-fitting with raglan sleeves and deep welt pockets, a collar made for turning up and a long back vent for easy movement.
Our Harris Tweed jackets have ranged from big kimono styles made to go over a thick pullover, to neat short jackets of more formal style, to be worn with narrow trousers or a skirt.

Harris Tweed waistcoats have proved popular at BlueBarn.Life. Perfect for layering or to wear with a T-shirt or shirt. Our waistcoat designs are inspired by the clothes of the past, including the Willow, based on the styles of late 18th and early 19th centuries, and the Hawthorn which was based on an ancient old-favourite belonging to a friend.